ME | Product news from Getinge

Infection Control Day in Karachi, Pakistan

Written by Getinge | May 10, 2019

Getinge is proud to have had the opportunity of taking part in the Infection Control Day in Karachi, Pakistan on 28 April 2019, organized by our partner Biotech Pakistan. With an outstanding number of 130 participants, the event was fully booked. OR Managers, Infection Control Managers and CSSD Managers from Sindh Region attended the event.


The event covered many important topics around  Infection Control and CSSD. The main objectives were to raise  awareness about the CSSD and Infection Control Guidelines in hospitals and especially in regards to Surgical Sites, i.e. EN ISO 15883 1-7 of the World Health Organization. These guidelines specify general performance requirements for washer-disinfectors (WD) and their accessories that are intended to be used for cleaning and disinfection of re-usable medical devices and other articles used in the context of medical, dental, practice.  The methods and instrumentation required for validation, routine control, monitoring and re-validation - periodically and after essential repairs - are also specified. [1]

“Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

Abigail Adams 

Another main topic was the concept and design of the Central Sterile Service Department. Many different factors are playing important role in planning a full CSSD. Taking the standards, individual experiences, country norms and guidelines such as engineering guidelines into consideration and their integration  is essential to receive the best possible outcome.


We were pleased to have had Mr. Nazir Ali Bachlani, OR & CSSD Manager at Indus Hospital, presenting the workflow in a Central Sterile Service Department, Roshan Hadawni, Infection Control Manager at NICVD Hospital, giving the participants an understanding of the Infection Control Guidelines, Laila Abdullah, CSSD Manager at  AKUH, telling more about the CSSD Integration and Central CSSD, such as Shahnaz Nadeem, Infection Control Manager at Taba Heart Institute presenting insights about Infection Control in Hospital  Ward.


Getinge contributed to the presentations with a 360° view on the CSSD by Babak Rashnavadi, Strategic Account Manager, MEA and CSSD Guidelines and Equipment by Sherif Ibrahim, Sr. Product Manager, Health Care.

We extend our thanks and appreciation to Biotech Pakistan team. Specially Mr. Kashif Latif, Mr. Emad Latif Mr. Nusrat Rizvi and Ms. Rida Tabassum.  


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