The 6th GCC eHealth Workforce Development Conference: a resounding success in Dubai

Dubai, a global hub for innovation and technological advancements, hosted the 6th GCC eHealth Workforce Development Conference from October 31st to November 2nd, 2023. Organized by the GCC Taskforce on Workforce Development in Digital Healthcare (ZIMAM), a non-profit initiative dedicated to building sustainable digital health ecosystems, the conference aimed to foster collaboration among key stakeholders for the development of a future-ready workforce.GCC eHealth Workforce Development Conference

The ZIMAM initiative focuses on ensuring an adequate supply of skilled and empowered local digital workforce by bringing together government entities, academic institutions, industry leaders, healthcare organizations and other relevant stakeholders across the GCC region. The overarching goal is to create a competency-based framework for the development and career paths of digital health professionals.

The conference showcased a compelling agenda featuring a diverse range of topics, presentations and discussions that highlighted the latest advancements in digital health. Agenda included Health Information Exchange (HIE), Public Health, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Governance, and Workforce Development.

Getinge actively participated in this event as a Silver Sponsor. Attendees, at our booth, had the opportunity to engage with our experts, discuss and exchange the ideas and knowledge.

As part of our sponsorship, Getinge took a role in two insightful sessions. One of them was presentation by Kareem Fouly, Head of Sales for DHS at Getinge, on the topic: "How AI can revolutionize behavior in the Operating Room environment." This session delved into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in shaping operational dynamics within the surgical setting.

We also contributed to a stimulating panel discussion titled: " Digital Health innovation to fight back clinicians burnout”. This session aimed to explore innovative digital health solutions as a strategic approach to alleviate the challenges clinicians face, contributing to the ongoing discourse on healthcare sustainability.

Our active involvement in these sessions exemplifies Getinge's dedication to driving thought leadership and innovation within the healthcare landscape, reinforcing our position as a key player in the industry.

As the conference concluded, the positive feedback from participants highlighted the success of eHWDC 2023 in facilitating meaningful discussions, fostering collaboration and showcasing the latest trends and innovations in digital healthcare. The event not only contributed to the ongoing dialogue in the field but also set the stage for future initiatives that will further propel the digital health agenda in this region and beyond.