Topic: Product news from Getinge | IABP


Saved by wife’s CPR and doctors using Getinge’s Cardiosave

On a Saturday afternoon, motorcycle enthusiast Eddie Larnerd’s life was interrupted by a heart attack. He nearly died that day, if it wasn’t for his wife Debbie who performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the medical team who saved him using Getinge’s intra-aortic balloon pump.

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Saving patients with the help of Getinge’s intra-aortic balloon pumps is his everyday life

Dr. Felipe Gallego was on duty at InCor (Instituto do Coração do Hospital da Clínicas da FMUSP) when the Executive Director Assistant of the clinic one day came in with her father. He had chest pain which turned out to be a severe heart attack with cardiac arrest. Felipe and his team managed to save the patient using Getinge’s intra-aortic balloon pump.

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